There should be a maximum amount of damage you and your armor can take/ a limit on how fast you and your things take damage, because nobody likes being 30v1d and having your armor go from green hp to red while you have to keep eating golden and enchanted apples.
Everyone who plays already knows
I thought this was a suggestion
Leaderruca, I am suggesting a maximum amount of damage that means you can't take too much damage from too many people. An example of this would be 10+ people attacking one person. With the damage cap, your armor and health won't deplete as fast
The idea is good, but don't you think the game can get tiring if it takes a long time to kill a player?
Leaderruca, The game will get tiring if you can't spend a lot of time doing what you want, in this case it's pvping, because your armor is low.
Pingu,yes it can be good as it would help in a pvp hole, you need to carry spare armor in your inventory, it would also help in terms of space
Leaderruca, yes now I carry spare armor
There are some polls being held in the PoC PvP rankings Discord server, PoC themselves should actually do this, either on forums or PoC Discord
Pingu,Yes they should, before they did but they stopped maybe because few people participated or there are few people in the forum
I think a better way of saying this would be that, you want a cap on the amount of damage a player can take within a given period of time.
BlueTangs Rock3, Yes, and also to my armor. My armor almost broke from 30+ players hitting meĀ