apex guy killed Jordan TCE at this event thing I didn't know existed
Dream himself came to PoC and I had to hide in lava to avoid him killing me. found him in chat
Chats of "event" proving "apex" is ghe
Dead nubs that didn't give me ench for free
Also there was tce and a bit of other clans there.. Mainly tce though..at event*
This guy named Xeon with like fonts kept hitting me sometimes as if it was an accident.. I knew he was prob tryna kill me so when I was killing this Xx pro xX (fonts on "pro") I made him eat gapple fast. No further action than that, though..
Many rare images of different people, places, and maybe "things"
Mon, 2021-10-18 08:07
Posts: 2812
Joined: 11.12.2020
Maybe this was some xx Erick as
I was hole PvP them (bad pvp) but I needed an excuse to eat gaps, since I was literally eating spider eyes for food.. Killed him.. Lizzz GHE 2 don't wanna PvP anymore.. Pretty sure this is Erick mans
Not erock, we killed him at 100:100
"Send me a tp request"
"I can't bc I'm in pvp"