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Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ
Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ's picture

Spawners that don’t work ?
red stone needs updates ?
purchase the ability to fly in survival for gems ? Nice idea yes
Golden shovel can claim land for gems ? Nice idea yes 
clans can claim land for gems ? Nice idea yes 
Admin plays and shows them self in main spawn ? Nice idea yes 

what’s a game unless people actually wanna play and it’s more advance so u can progress well 
lets see updates and keep this game alive 
The nether and end portals need to work as we need to explore more worlds 

Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ
Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ's picture

Fun idea would be make spawn drop one day a week , this is when u can build , destroy , kill , loot in spawn ( portal can not be destroyed and 10 block radius)

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture

Märshä Mëllo ϟ ツ,wont be good for new players lol

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture

spawners should work. Yes. But the rest i strongly disagree. flying in survival for gems is too overpowered, it will be very bad for free to play players. If claiming land is allowed most people wont be in this game. Because you cant even raid bases. base raiding is something i enjoy. so better build your base far and underground

Colatrix's picture

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞, while yes u enjoy raiding bases the people who spend months creating the base only to have it completely destroyed and all their work waisted would be annoying
However if devs made it so players could buy certain spawnzones (maybe everyother spawn) players and clans could make a cool visible base that other players could admire. Clan leaders would have access to a ln advanced settings that can make it so only clan members can access chests add stuff

Pingu's picture

Builder, It's called private maps