seriously what changed
what completely threw frames into the trash?
It I can't get more than 8 fps now it used to run smoothly and fresh but now it's extremely laggy no matter what server your in? I am stuck in red and rarely yellow fps and my character can't even be controlled whenever I move he gets stuck moving in that direction and won't stay still. I want frames back I want control back and mostly I want consistance back. Why is everything going so crazy this month that update must of had some crazy large coding because the amount of random problems it caused is unbearable. I'm not trying to hate on you guys admins y'all are amazing brilliant and hard working but I'm just thrown off by these updates.calm down on the updates. We love new things and enjoy change but maybe it's time to stop having updates for a few months and maybe work on deeper things like glitches and performance. I am 100 percent SURE that it has nothing to do with my device It was perfect a week ago. Maybe it has something to do with so many people coming back I don't think so even empty servers are extremely choppy and uncontrollable. I don't mean to put so much pressure or duties on you guys after you just fixed the rain glitch which I'm heavenly thankfully for but It's just so concerning how one problem leads to another. I'm Not gonna tell you guys to instantly try and complete my wishes but please please! PLEASE jus work on strengthening the game and take a break from adding things. Sorry for all these forms I have been writing lately I just really love this game and don't wanna see the hate pile up like last time I may be polite or formal about it but I have seen some people rant threats over this stuff and act obnoxious. Thank you for understanding!
weird...i still get 70 fps...
All the frame rates went down hill when the admins added in the new texture for the game they made everything look more fancy even tho no one asked for it and everyone else liked the old textures the sdmins put a fancy texture button in settings for no reason now because they’ve changed everything to look just like it
moral of the story if you want the old a better frame rates back convince tha dmins to change the current texture back to the old textures before the recent updates
.-Modz-. Doo any of the other texture packs have better frame rates of is it just the old one that worked the best?
ALITTARYBUILDERALAN,the old texture pack was the best ive tried the orher texture packs some of them have the old textures but the admins have tried to mix them with the new fancy graphics which has caused a massive drop in frame rate because they have to many pixels in just 1 texture pack now
Get better internet
I'm guessing you didn't even read it huh... -_-