To my betrayer:
Ever wonder why you never meet anyone named Judas? Because no one would name their child after a vile person that traded 30 pieces of silver for an innocent man.
What was your price?
Gold? Seems to be what you are after these days. I am fiercely loyal to my friends in rl and ig but you lost my trust and I'm done with you. Ugly was doing a good thing with his farm by making food to give to Noobs and you sell the coords to some loathsome, lazy clan leader that can get their own food?! Why? So you can line your pockets? Wow. Hope you got your rush and you feel super special now, my own personal Judas.
Tsar Alexander, okay so someone betrayed her and shes comparing him to Judas
Konstantin, i bet you know who haha
Tsar Alexander, Not anyone important lmao,project paper to me. You use then you throw it in the trash
Tsar Alexander, TA also knows who
Konstantin, who it is
- Jackson -, ask Black Pope i promised him i cant tell