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Jedi0fEndor Pri...
Jedi0fEndor Private Map Explorer's picture

I made a small farm and ran out of dirt. I need someone to help out with farming, multiple people if possible.
Comment if you wanna help out on the farm.

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

I made you some fields. Enjoyl

Jedi0fEndor Pri...
Jedi0fEndor Private Map Explorer's picture

oh, thanks Big Cat! I elevated my farm to prevent zombies and other mobs from reaching me. it's ok if you didn't do that though!

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Dont let an imposter on the ship

Mythland Gaurdian
Mythland Gaurdian's picture

can i help you???

IzzyD's picture

I'd love to join a farming community