In February of this year I declared war on the clan TCE. I am hereby cancelling the war despite having the resources and a few clan members that are stronger than me. I have chosen to cancel this war. I have chosen to prioritize my education over some digital war and though they wronged me I have more important things that I need to complete concerning my education for the next 6 years of my life.
Learn to put more important things first
Pingu, were you scared?
BroGamezT18, of what?
good for you for prioritizing what's important, I hope everything goes well for you in your efforts.
So tce won?
BigCatClanCaroleBaskin,TCE only wins if you kill BROG
Leaderruca, Leaders already died + they just play pmaps
Pingu, ? Elaborate plz
Pingu,What do you have to say BrogamezT18 ?
Leaderruca, I'm trying to understand exactly what he meqns
Pingu,we died really we died that's cool but I'm not sure how factual that is considering your failed assassination attempt
BroGamezT18, If you died, you died. You lost. Same goes for running. Also I'm pretty sure assassinations only apply to famous ppl, not pmap players that are bad at PvP
Pingu,If we aren't a threat then why give us the light of day
Pingu,If we aren't a threat then why did you get one of your hacker friends to find our base to destroy it and kill us just to get nothing
Pingu,and so you know Global is legit a 60000x60000 chunck pmap
Pingu, we just play pmaps?
wow a big borin' conversation abt a war that has nothin' to do with others, and from what
is that BROG ran from TCE1 hahahahahha thats funny i thought BROG was gonna win and TCE was gonna run but nope BroGamezT18 and BroGamezl13 proved me wrong that BROG runs first. Well that's just weird?!!
steve6152, so prioritizing our education at the moment is what you see as running
steve6152,Are you retarded? Can you not understand that important matters in real life matter way more than winning a digital war? How is it so hard to understand that we unlike you don't want to spend 60 years of our lives on a digital platform. From this post I can clearly see you are no where near being fourteen.I don't see why putting education over a game is a problem but you'll understand when you get to my age kid
BroGamezT18,blah blah blah dude im 15 bruh
Have you even done subjects. Which Grade are you in ignorant boy
BroGamezT18,ever heard of this kid "make peace not war"
steve6152,I am literally ending this war to prioritize my life and future whilst you made a post about having slave clans that work for your clan
BroGamezT18, can we stop fightin' im gettin' sick of gettin so much emails
steve6152,Yea me too
BroGamezT18,so wanna play poc im bored?
steve6152, wanna play im bored
steve6152, Died to*
Pingu,We died yet you failed at killing us. The delusion is real
You guys are being immature ngl
Life comes first and work second.
enderman.,yep but if u dont work there is no life bro
steve6152, whether stream or youtuber?
steve6152, Whether stream or youtuber?
steve6152, this war is not important work
hahahah so funny XD
steve6152, are the easiest professions
enderman.,yup :D im makin' vids so i can i post tyhem on yt
I have many people on my side. Don't get on my bad side nubs
Pingu,oh you do then why did you fail at taking us down. All you're living on is hype.
Pingu, wow we are honoured to be such a threatthat TCEs officer wants to deal with us
BroGamezI13, Clan roles are different than ranks. Roles are based on trust and ranks on something else, usually skill
Pingu, they trust you enough to make you an officer
it is useful use PC has more PvP and parkour Change