Hey guys! So this is a suggestion I made in the comment section of someone else's post talking about the concerns of new players(I'll send a link to their post right here: http://poc.solverlabs.com/content/game-needs-report-button-seriously ), but this is my Idea of some noob safety mechanics:(I copy/pasted what I said there to here)
"Here's an idea: why not make new players that created an account for less than a week(or maybe 3 or 5 days) immune to PvP(they can't attack older players, and older players can't attack them). Then that may give new players at spawn a chance to get out of the spawn zone, because if they don't stay there too long, then they would not have to worry about people killing them while they're trying to get as far from active spawnzones as possible for the first couple days, then after the time is up, they can PvP other players, and be vulnerable to other player's attacks. But if roleplayers just stay in the spawnzones waste the time given, then that's their problem. But basically what I'm saying is,new players should have a few day grace period where PvP isn't a cause of death, but after those few days, their grace period will end, and they can kill or be killed by PvP. There could probably even be a timer that counts down and when the timer ends, the grace period will be over." I hope you guys enjoy my suggestion! :D
Great suggestion, the only problem being that old players would uninstall, then reinstall the game to kill newbies...
Thanks! :D but w ith the way I suggested this, new players can't attack players, along with not being able to be attacked, so there would be no PvP way to kill new players, so If you wanted to kill players you would have to not be a new player, which would make older players actually want to not uninstall if they wanted to PvP, because if they uninstalled and reinstalled they wouldn't be able to kill any players until the grace period(first couple days of an account)is over. So it's actually the opposite of what you're claiming. But again, thanks for reading my suggestion! :)
in fact,really the only problem I see is that if players didn't want to be attacked then they would uninstall and reinstall, but that makes for downloads for PoC, which makes the app store's algorithm think it's a more popular game, so eventually more people would stumble across it in the play store, thus making it a more popular game.
The Pride, This is a good point, this sounds like a good idea on papaer, but in actuality, it won’t solve anything, and will be easily exploited and abused. A better option could be to either:
A: remove PvP options completely
B: Create a different setting on online survival mode where PvP is nonexistent for those who want to play it that way
C: Set some boundaries on PvP mode on what is and isn’t acceptable (ie: killing noobs, stealing items from other players) and implementing better ways to report these guys (though, the devs should be doing this anyways to improve the community for everyone.)
I agree and TA would be depressed because of this
but to be honest, do we really want a group of people murdering masses of new players though? If nothing is done, eventually those new players would rage, uninstall, leave a bad rating, then never come back to the game, and when more bad reviews stack, the overall game rating will go down, making app stores less likely to find PoC unless you're looking for it, or an occasional random recommendation just so happens to contain PoC. Sure, it's not that bad now, but slowly over time it will get worse if nothing stops players from being spawn killed.
BlueTangs Rock3, This 100 times over. If this is allowed to continue, it will create a terrible reputation for the game overall. I already consider WOC to be better at everything POC fails at (which is, of course, everything.) However, POC has the potential to turn itself around right now, and improve it’s negative PR for new and old players alike. So The devs need to take this into consideration, because it is a BIG problem (among other things I find wrong with the game.)
Agreed! :D
I agree
I see what you did there... xD
True, true Lol.