If fudging bitches steal everything you own smash everything you make and be hypocrites then I won't play anymore I hope all you theives die a bloody death y'all are shit GHE and you to Kevian rus this game sucks
If fudging bitches steal everything you own smash everything you make and be hypocrites then I won't play anymore I hope all you theives die a bloody death y'all are shit GHE and you to Kevian rus this game sucks
Nice knowing ya hermano
Instullus your diamonds are in safe hands :)
The hands of greifers and Nazis aren't very safe also I have given my most trusted friend my during wish adios bro course you probably don't understand adios either considering you can't even speak real russian
Also since you can't spell instulius right just call me luis
Instulius,lol... the best way to leave is by roastin' the enemy
Poor Instullus :(
Enes Mirca, hacker! There is no missing block
Instulius,Languege -__-
Instulius,missing items just appear randomly,at one point I've collected 5 of them. They were like some glitched mob drop or something,so it's not hacking.
BlueTangs Rock3,just informing you.
Enes Mirca, Holy butthole I only have 2 stacks of diamond blocks.
Do not leave. I have told you MY BASE IS COMPLETELY PEACEFUL. NO ONE GOES THERE. NO ONE HAS EVER RAIDED IT FOR 9 WHOLE MONTHS! GHE, Nazis, Mareshall, etc wont raid it because I have gained their trust by giving out abandoned base coords, giving them resources, etc... Its all good stuff tho i never gave out active peoples coords
So is dose everyone just have stacks of diaomond blocks? I only have 9 blocks is ther a temple or dungion I missed?
Exago you only just poor
Well the thing is you have to play the game smartly and patiently and make a good base that no one can find but you. Everyone is going to grief and steal. It's like having no laws, if there's no laws everyone will destroy everything and steal so you have to play the game intelligently.
Go Harder
Łemon, this post was made over half a year ago I've grown up unlike you who lives ikn the past
Instulius, ohhhhh isn't this exactly what you just did to me?! B#TCHES?!
Scarlet, yeah but scarlet u also raided lizbeth's base when she was defenseless...
Scarlet, you had I private chest to put stuff in I didn't besides that base you guys destroyed was sacred to me it was the last memory of TDE
Instulius, *a private chest