Hello Been Away For A Few years and what the fish... why is there 1 portal in town how do you use it. Where is my base its gone. I spawned back at 0:0.
When did they add permission to teleport. We have a creative mode now? Private mode? What is that screaming thing at night. What is a private chest? How to I make my name cool fond. How do I dye armor? We Can Use Poison Arrows???? Why ores keep comming back after I Mine It????
Why can't I Find Diamond temples? What the fish is going on o.o????? Help!!!
Anyone online?
Ok, I'll try to answer all your questions here that I can.
To use the portal, you walk into it and tap the town you want to go to. Choosing a town above yours on the map makes you go North in direction, going down brings you South, going right takes you East, and selecting one to the left takes you West.
Teleportation permissions are actually a relatively new mechanic.
Yep. Creative mode is a play style purely for building - No survival there, and you have access to an unlimited amount of every block type, even a few that you can't get in Survival mode. This isn't in the same world as in Survival so your builds from Creative mode won't be in Survival mode and vice versa.
Private mode lets you play either Survival or Creative mode in a single biome. You can make your private worlds accessible to everyone, to people on your friends list or just you, your choice. This runs on a different server than both Creative and Survival modes, so anything you do there won't carry over to other places.
Not sure exactly what you mean by screaming, but it's probably a witch or an enderman.
A private chest is like a regular chest, but it's found near the portals in each spawn and nobody but you can access your private chest.
From the main menu you can tap the gear icon to go to the settings.From there, you can change your username, among other things.
I think to dye armor, you fill a cauldron with water, then tap the cauldron while holding a dye. Tap the cauldron while holding leather armor to dye it. This only works on leather armor.
Yes, you fill a cauldron with potion of poison, then tap the potion-filled cauldron while holding arrows. This doesn't only work with poison, but all potions I believe.
The ore regeneration, I think, is a mechanic to stop the areas outside of the populated towns from being completely destroyed. It happens once a day, and in some biomes the terrain such as dirt, stone, etc also come back every day, hence its purpose.
Diamond temples were removed a long time ago because everyone knew about them, so they were becoming over powered in the developers' eyes.
I hope I helped, and if you have further questions I would be happy to help.
Also, about your base disappearing. I've heard of that happening to other people a long time ago, but I don't think it can be restored.
Also private chest are kinda like MineCraft's Ender Chest, however unlike those, private chests are un-craftable, and are only found in spawnzones.
Also the chat colors have always been a thing, before even the Survival Server, back when PoC was creative mode only, you change the color of your messages by messing with the "RGB" while you're typing, and continue to do so until you find your desirable color, you can always change it at any time.
Other things you must've missed were Creepers, Charged Creepers, Endermen, Witches, Slimes, potions, brewing stands, raw and cooked fish types(fish, salmon, pufferfish, and clownfish), chainmail armor, armored zombies and skeletons, about 5 or 6 biomes which consists of roofed forest, Birch forest, savanna, extreme hills, and a jungle that's more similar to MineCraft's jungles, also giant mushrooms, bonemeal, dyes, dyed block recipies, signs, wolf and ocelot taming, iron golems, silverfish, zombie pigmen, stray skeletons that are desert mobs instead of like in MineCraft where they're snow biome mobs, SinglePlayer mode(which is extremely laggy and glitchy btw), New animals in Deserts: Goats, Ostriches, Camels, and Scorpions, also weather such as rain, snow, and thunderstorms, also a few 3D model changes such as the zombie, the player, the armors, and chickens, and you also missed lucky blocks(which needs a bit of fixing to be honest).
oh, also Elytras in the in-game shop.
I miss diamond temples );
I wish they would bring diamond temples back it would make finding diamonds easier
all you gotta do is find even a single ore vein, and you got an infinite amount of diamonds, as ore regeneration is a thing.