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Elektrika's picture

I just thought of a new ore that would be slightly better than diamond. This ore, called horizinium, can only be found at least 10k coordinates in any direction and only spawns up to about 6 blocks from the top bedrock layer. It has double diamond's durability, is slightly faster, does slightly more damage than (or maybe the same amount as) diamond. It can also be crafted into armor that holds full bars while having a slight 5% speed boost. It is a deep green color and is about twice as rare as diamond. However, sometimes it does not drop anything. It can be affected by fortune and drops an ingot instead of the block. These can also be sold to the shop for 2-10 coins each at random due to their extreme rarity. It will also help get rid of large groups of people near main spawn as everyone would want to go far out to get this ore.

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Sounds interesting.chances for base raids=rise.and elektrika what will the ore be for?

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Oh.nvm.i didnt read whole thing.sounds likr a good idea

Colatrix's picture

sounds cool. though after players find the ore they will go back to main spawn to trade it or other items.

POCAdmin1's picture

Hello. Thanks for your idea and suggestion on how to add variety to the game.
We will discuss this with the developers.
Have a nice day!

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture

ummm i agree

C's picture

i dont like this..i wont be able to spawnkill lol

ALITTARY's picture

Bro that's completely unessesary, people are already overpowered with enchantments, anything more and there will be no such thing as pvp
Just instantaneous death.

Elektrika's picture

ALITTARY, the only real gain in pvp is a slight speed boost and maybe 1 more damage if any

Judy's picture

ALITTARY, Enchantments, like pretty much every other thing in the game, are actually very underpowered. The only enchantment that I would deem overpowered right now is thorns. I do agree that Elektrika's idea would be unnecessary and I also don't think it would help with the overcrowding of spawn zones.

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Honestly what I think would help the overcrowding problem in Spawnzones is to allow new/first-time players to spawn in a larger range of Spawnzones, since currently only one or two Spawnzones on the entire server function as spawn points for new players and so everyone congregates around the 3×3 central-most spawnzones.

If first-time players were able to spawn in any Spawnzones within ±500:±500 or ±1,000:±1,000, then the hordes of new players would be more spread out rather than packed together like sardines, and thus help with the lag issues as well.

Pixj2's picture

это интересно , но из-за уже сгенерированных икр это невозможно