I recently hombrewed my Kindle to have a Play Store, in which I downloaded PoC again. The cool thing I can do with that is I can turn that game on, and go to my other game, and be able to teleport to my alt. account! It stays online so I can have a teleport account 24/7, for my friends and my clan. :) I have Amazon Underground, Google Play, Amazon(Google), and a copy of PoC Google Play. That is 4. (Which I can run all at the same time. :) )
Raven-heart, Clam juice and vinegar!
I did the same but it is not working I can't manage to keep my alt afk
I could have 4 accounts on Amazon Underground
I thought I was the only one who altered my Kindle to have Google Play! How do you have more than one account online at once? Every time I try to do that, it instantly logs out of the account I left to start up another one!
BansheePlant,same man
BansheePlant,Hey can you tell me how I haven't figured it out
TROLLJK, What model do you have?
BansheePlant,I have a HD 7
TROLLJK, Oh... I don't have one of those, so it's probably different. I did Google it, and here is a link to the results. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&q=how+to+get+google+play+on+a+ki...
BansheePlant, the video I sent is easier. It gives step by step and you will NOT GET CONFUSED (this takes 5 minutes for the link I sent)
TROLLJK, here trolljk super simple easy to follow