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Pingu's picture

And they were with you in war, you guys were fighting together

Pingu's picture

Ask Aj about his stuff

FORD's picture

He had ip stop lying

Pingu's picture

Me? I was told he died and lost his stuff, sorry for not clarifying. an apsl called me "a god" for surviving a lot of apsl vs me in hole, wasn't too hard to survive

Pingu's picture

You can say it made me a god, or apsl a bunch of nubs

The Courier
The Courier's picture

Guys, this war hasn't even happened. It was officially postponed to next Saturday. Those who showed up, possibly were not informed.
Reason: Percy had no power in his house and they get electricity from a generator.
Question: What time did Percy come online last?

FORD's picture

The Courier, I was never told it was cancelled and that's also excuses

Pingu's picture

The Courier, you are right. Also, some people said a lot of misinformation going around "it's happening today" " next Saturday " "the 18th" (tbh i won't even check if the 18th is Saturday). I asked Jose and he said war was happening. I thought Percy mans changed his mind and was coming back. Jose was prob not informed. 

Pingu's picture

Basically anyone who fought in TLL war wasn't informed until it was too late

Pingu's picture

Unless they came late. 

Pingu's picture

Not all of TLL, just the ones that think they know everything 

Pingu's picture

Does that mean it's tomorrow??

FORD's picture

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V9aUpdYq1vI pingu and peggy why r u saying u being teamed while your not pvping makes no sense this proofs how stupid u guys r

Pingu's picture

"this proofs how stupid u guys r" 
The guy rec wasn't even in DW20 clan and he claims to be DW.we never challenged him to 3v1, only 1v1with Voodoo. to be honest, I don't even want to 1v1 anyone I challenged before (for the most part) except maybe you.. Though you're probably not worth the 2 pixels of my armor HP..
Also, why do you bring this up? this was against Voodoo, Brad (He's brad I'm pretty sure, I keep forgetting if he's Brandon or Brad), and the guy rec.. None of them were apsl and the jungle biome didn't help my fps (and yes, I am admitting to slight lag, not serious enough to affect my pvp if I'm in the middle of spawn, but side would lag me) These were DW.

FORD's picture

Pingu, u said you was in PvP getting teamed explain why tce was there btw I was GHE around the time

Pingu's picture

"u will die" literally says "wait imma bring tce"

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Nubbins dropped Ford....again. Ford blamed lag. Ironic

FORD's picture


