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Rooyce's picture

firstly i got internet and it always said that i am not connected to internet
secondly when i prepare to build i did'nt press anything then my hand automatically started to break blocks when i press to build it also breaks blocks plz admin where are these bugs coming from

POCAdmin2's picture

Looks like you have problems with the internet connection. Maybe the quality of your internet connection is low, or your internet provider has some connection problems.

Rooyce's picture

but my internet quality is very high it displayed on my mac

Rooyce's picture

it happened too often

Rooyce's picture

when i can access youtube i still cant access game multiplayer

Bossik's picture

I've lost plenty of enchanted tools because it said I died when the internet dropped very disappointing

Bossik's picture

I can log right back in and still die

ALITTARY's picture

There would seems to be a problem when you use portals in lag, the game seems to not understand where you are so when you pop out of the portal It just kills you. I know this for a fact because it happens when I visit main spawn and decide to leave because of the horrible lag. Happened 5 times yesterday which is why I avoid main spawn.
It probably does have something to do poor wifi, still weird though.