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Pingu's picture

Let's say you're not in O88O and don't have coins for ip. Here are a few simple steps on how to get ips:
0. Prepare brewing stand with blaze powder
1. Get a Newbie ip
2. Since Premium inventory protection provides the "Inventory protection II" effect while newbie provides "Inventory protection", it is safe to assume that premium ip is a better version of newbie ip. Get glowstone dust
3. Apply glowstone dust
4. Wait
5. Drink it
6. Die again
7. Remember this post and be glad it exists
Q: Why not drink newbie?
A: It looks like urine, and experts call that disgusting
Q: what's the difference between newbie and premium ip?
A: premium is more pro. Noobs always die, that's why nubs like newbie
Q: I can't recreate this, why?
A: Probably used to drinking newbie, silly nub
" This was very useful" - Obama
"The easiest part was getting the newbie ips ngl" - el pro
"Beautiful" - Will Smith
"I'll come back to poc just for this" - Kian (leader ghe)
"Same" - jdog del clan bod
"Sensational" - The Rock

Pingu's picture

Images are kinda bugged, sorry for inconveniences. Here's the first pic

Pingu's picture

Images are kinda bugged, sorry for the inconveniences. Here's the second pic

justapurpledye's picture

Thanks sensei

Johnsir's picture

Man I just remembered how someone from ghe was annoying the heck out of me (and getting wrecked) years ago on the amazon underground server...