Let's say you're not in O88O and don't have coins for ip. Here are a few simple steps on how to get ips:
0. Prepare brewing stand with blaze powder
1. Get a Newbie ip
2. Since Premium inventory protection provides the "Inventory protection II" effect while newbie provides "Inventory protection", it is safe to assume that premium ip is a better version of newbie ip. Get glowstone dust
3. Apply glowstone dust
4. Wait
5. Drink it
6. Die again
7. Remember this post and be glad it exists
Q: Why not drink newbie?
A: It looks like urine, and experts call that disgusting
Q: what's the difference between newbie and premium ip?
A: premium is more pro. Noobs always die, that's why nubs like newbie
Q: I can't recreate this, why?
A: Probably used to drinking newbie, silly nub
" This was very useful" - Obama
"The easiest part was getting the newbie ips ngl" - el pro
"Beautiful" - Will Smith
"I'll come back to poc just for this" - Kian (leader ghe)
"Same" - jdog del clan bod
"Sensational" - The Rock
How to make premium inventory protection potions
Fri, 2022-12-23 07:12
Posts: 2812
Joined: 11.12.2020
Images are kinda bugged, sorry for inconveniences. Here's the first pic
Images are kinda bugged, sorry for the inconveniences. Here's the second pic
Thanks sensei
Man I just remembered how someone from ghe was annoying the heck out of me (and getting wrecked) years ago on the amazon underground server...