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Flower girl
Flower girl's picture

Does anyone know how to make a beacon i have one beacon in GSM But i dont know how to make another

beasty's picture

we cannot make beacons  :(

Flower girl
Flower girl's picture

Look i have

Dark Night
Dark Night's picture

give me the bacon xD and also beacon cannot be craft using a workbench

DDD's picture

Beacons that were experimentally introduced in the past have not been removed, some players keep them in antique inventory, and I think you happened to pick up what they dropped.
Also, the current beacon does not seem to have its original effect as an item.

Dmuz's picture

Can I steal ur beacon :000000

Rooyce's picture

they are unobtainable

Flower girl
Flower girl's picture

Acctually i found this beacon at Manision at a chest 

Pingu's picture

Imagine If I could climb mansion :0
I guess we are sticking to splash potion of invisibility to get a invisible horse and jump high and reach the middle area and then get kicked out and die to drowning