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Hi, so you've just started POC Survival Multiplayer, a game where endless opportunities for players to explore, fight, build, and interact are presented in a large, 3D space! I know you may be intimidated by the mass amounts of people surrounding you, but worry not! With my expert thoughts and massive eg- I mean, intellectual prowess, reading this guide will ensure that you find your way through the muck and get started properly.
(Disclaimer: the advice presented in this guide, is completely and utterly falsified and should not be followed, in case you missed the title explicitly stating that this is a parody of Terrible Writing Advice. If you don't know who he is, he is a YouTuber that delivers writing advice in a satirical manner, using sarcasm and such as humor. His advice is, as the name suggests, terrible and used to punctuate errors writers make in an effort to guide them on the path to being better writers. Thank you for reading this, hope you like this!)
Now, before we begin, there's a common misconception to be had about playing POC: that we're all here to play a game and have fun. This is a very grave error to be made. In this cooperative environment, the stakes are high and should be treated with every ounce of seriousness that you would a nuclear reactor. Never should fun be made with other people, more so than at the expense of other peoples' fun. After all, this world was made for your amusement, and yours alone! Now that we've quashed the fun out of the POC experience from the get go, we can begin!
The first course of action that you should take when you start off is of course, the most difficult one. Nothing! That's right, just pick a random spot and stand there. Waiting. For what? Who cares! Just reduce yourself to the role of passive observer until someone makes you play. In a world laid out for you to create or find your own fun, it's best to squander it and use it as the equivalent of background noise for the real fun: watching other people have fun! Now, true, this does detract from the sandbox experience the game strives to encourage, but it's a small price to pay for the gratification of watching text flick by on a screen and people pass you by as if you didn't exist. 
But some of you may not be content with this passive observer role: maybe you want to move your fingers a bit more, experience a bit more. I don't know why you would come out of your bubble, but should you want to, you should do it in the most persistent, attritional way possible: by begging of course! Why strive to work to get your own resources when you can have other people do the heavy lifting for you? Be sure to remind the chat to give you donations every .2 seconds, I'm sure it won't get annoying after the 500th time. And when someone does call you out on spamming, always consider them to be in the wrong and resort immediately to hostile and degrading language: everyone will take your side, being the new guy and all. But why stop there? You could go one step further, and pester people who do give you equipment to give you better things: taking advantage of their kindness and being picky with what you accept as donations is one of the best ways to ensure people keep giving. Beggars can't be choosers? Pfft, sounds too much like drivel to me: I want my power fantasy now. Now now now! There is to be no struggle, hardship, or any other setback for you: you're exempt from that because you're new. That's how victim mentality works! People should take pity on you and give you everything because you worked so hard to move your fingers a couple times to download the app and set up your account.
With people used and exploitation achieved, you're set with your new donations to leave the spawn zone. Your initial goal should always be to indiscriminately attack anyone you see, or otherwise build your new home directly adjacent to spawn. This should in no way backfire and cause your home to be looted and you to be killed in retaliation. And if it does happen, remember that it is never your fault. Booking it away from spawn to find a relatively untouched plot of land? Reaching out to other people to accompany you and start off your journey? Why do that when I can just repeat the cycle endlessly until I get bored?
(Thanks again for reading this first edition of chapter 1! I may extend it in the replies section later.)

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