How to Dye Armor in v4.2
Fri, 2017-11-24 11:17
Posts: 98
Joined: 19.01.2017
Hi guys! 
Cauldron we have added in version 4.2 can be used not only to make your arrows tipped, but also to paint your armor!
Learn how to make your armor color in our new video:
We hope you like this new feature and our video.
Use dyes, mix colors! in 4.2!

Cool. :D
I have Wool Dyes but there is no flowers on it
I can't craft dye neither
it's probably one of the disabled features on the server
I can't wait man! :O
Johnsir, Same
Smelt the flowers lol u can smelt cactus and get green dye
but that ONLY applies to cactus,right?
ive been trying out random smelts but I think glowstone can be a dye ima try it out
xUOTUx-Eliezer3838, if glowstone is a dye so is redstone :O
I doubt it.