Something sinister is happening in this spawn. Hundreds of horses are appearing randomly, and that makes a ton of lag. FPS dropping way below average. Please admins, do something, because this is already causing a lot of problems to us, normal players.
Something sinister is happening in this spawn. Hundreds of horses are appearing randomly, and that makes a ton of lag. FPS dropping way below average. Please admins, do something, because this is already causing a lot of problems to us, normal players.
Some nub was saying that they spawned them,because they "pressed a box" They might be an attention seeker but they said "see what I mean" and the horses came back,maybe ban them or something?
Yes they have an Alienware pc and use these horses to lag people in pvp while they can't lag. It's cheating and they need banned, but they changed fonts so Idh them
I don't see how having an Alienware PC causes that to happen. From my understanding, playing PoC on an Alienware PC is no different than playing on any other PC (except maybe some fps and performance differences), because that's all it is; a brand of computer.
What ever is causing this stuff to happen with the horses must be something else.
Oh nvm, I misread what you said, Lol.
This kinda reminds me of that bug, which was present on Single player for years; mobs used to duplicate themselves over time, to the point where it eventually got so bad that the entire render distance got filled with mobs, and FPS dropped to the single digits (0-5 FPS depending on how bad it got).
Perhaps this mob duplication glitch is now happening with horses near spawn zones?
When horses spawn, wait until someone enters portal, then attack horses