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ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂...
ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂ϟᏩჩЄϟꆜ's picture

Hey yall,

My horse armour is messed up, when I dyed it yellow to match my armour it turned the whole thing yellow and now looks like gold. Maybe you should change the volume of colour on diamond horse armour. I also saw a guy with one he dyed black and called it bedrock armour to scam, which is doable do to complete colours.

Dar Kuma
Dar Kuma's picture

You can clearly see diamond armour even if it is dyed black.
Not all sections dye.

all though I've never tried dyeing horse armour, my horses kept dying so gave up using them, I occasionally saw my old horse ...

ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂...
ꆜᦔꫀ᧒ꪖ ꪜꪊ乂 ቿꋖቿ 乂ϟᏩჩЄϟꆜ's picture

Not when holding, only if it is on a horse.