A while back I went into my Android Planet Craft Private Map and this is what is there. I submitted a couple reports to support directly from the app, my phone but so far everything's still that way. Is this something that can be fixed?? I actually have eight private maps there and all of them have this messed up look.
Could you please provide some screenshots or video, so we could better understand the problem?
By the header of the post, I thinks he's probably on Halloween texture pack by mistake.
Thanks. I had to change the texture pack to get things back to normal.
Mike Burton, if your a new member, see the guide if your new to poc
Yea that's the Halloween texture pack dude
to be honest I think they can spawn green in swamps?
WizzX, yeah water is green in swamp biomes.
I get the confusion. Planet Craft automatically changes your texture pack with the holidays, so if you noticed the weird textures late October that's probably why.