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Scarlet's picture

We have a tree that grows gold in our base lol Money does grow on trees ;P

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个's picture

Haha nice laugh

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个's picture

Why does that glass has gold angles

Scarlet's picture

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个, idk maybe the texture pack I use?

Spearize's picture


I've been sticking with the modern pack for quite some time now

And each texture pack will change your surroundings and your items

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个's picture

Hmm yeah maybe 

Voltage's picture


Scarlet's picture

ϟ.ϟϟJøĥήVøltáĝȩ8Í9ϟϟ.ϟ, thanks hope you are well!

The Lich
The Lich's picture

Haha amazing. You don't see posts like these on forums much anymore.

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Id like it if they grew enchated apples XD

Scarlet's picture

Verry Cherry YT, seriously! I’ve been growing apple trees and they never give me apples. They are making me angryyyyy

Kvng Aether
Kvng Aether's picture

ßcarlet,a certain type of leaves actually have a higher chance of dropping apples! The ones u see when u walk to diamond temples have a higher chance then the others

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

King Buu wrote:

ßcarlet,a certain type of leaves actually have a higher chance of dropping apples! The ones u see when u walk to diamond temples have a higher chance then the others

only oak leaves drop apples, all other leaves don't. And with oak leaves, they're a 1/200 drop chance(uncommon, but not extremely rare). All oak leaves in each location will all drop apples at the same random chance, though it is theorized that the less oak leaves there are around the player's veiw distance might actually increase the chance for apple drops by a small amount, but you're still gonna need a good amount of leaves still, because after all, apples are still a 1/200 chance drop.

个人Đēāťh_Çøffīñ人个's picture
RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

Lol funny

A BOT's picture

Now all you need is a tree that grows Diamonds

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

Endeee, forget diamonds XD i want enchated apples and golden thats all