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FORD's picture

How come on 5th day I'm not getting gems anymore? I got 5 from last week, but not this week? Instead I got coins

Pingu's picture

10th day gives 130 coins now too, I think the best solution would be to change the coins back to normal with 300 coins AND 10 gems at day 10 

enderman.'s picture

Pingu, I agree

steve6152's picture

same i wish ya get 400 in day 15 and 10gems that would be great for ppl who sells ip meaning 3ench in 2 days

steve6152's picture

but i decided i wanted to quit POC for an amount of time since i was getting addicted "getting"

FORD's picture

And go back to only coins I would personally not done gems

POCAdmin2's picture

We are still looking for a way to optimize the daily bonus awards. The current awards might change back to the gems. The final version of the daily bonus awards will be presented in the next update.

Pingu's picture

POCAdmin2, Just make it so you can get both, gems and coins, on day 10. 300 coins + 10 gems on day 10.

steve6152's picture

Wtf is the purpose of gems bruh like what the f do u need it for ... note blocks??.?

POCAdmin2's picture

steve6152, there will be more items for gems.

Rooyce's picture

POCAdmin2, I am fed up about the stupid coins need for enchantments. CHANGE IT. or make coins easier to obtain for free to play people. One expensive enchantment costs 120 coins. And our 10th day DAILY REWARD IS ONLY 130 COINS! You either make coins easier to obtain or change the requirement for enchantments

steve6152's picture

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞, yeah i basically stopped b=playing after they updated coin crap

steve6152's picture

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞, yeah i basically stopped b=playing after they updated coin crap

enderman.'s picture

POCAdmin2, you will lose a lot of players if you don't change how you were before

Lunar3clipse's picture

They removed em, its annoying

Pingu's picture

Ditch coins and the new currency is gems, coins can be sold for gems. Ppl uninstall and quit. Solverlabs/Playlabs goes bankrupt and PoC ends. - Bad ending

Lunar3clipse's picture

Pingu, Where is the good ending

fluorine.'s picture

Lunar3clipse, no good ending unless admin bring back the 300 coins on day 10