Is there any players who study the biomes so well they know exactly the locations without using coordinates? Or any players who has developed a map of the Game. I am asking becuase i want to know if there are others? Ive studied the biomes very carefully. Used its glitches to my advanged. Predicted towns and mines correctly. Made a map of my travels and studying the locations and game. Figured how to glitch mobs and have a understanding or study to the game. I like to think of my tole as a scribe or thinker type of player.
Anyone else out there or csn help share there studies?
I study biomes. But I don't have a map and you know everything I do
I use to study biomes and be able to get full diamond in 10 to 20 mins
I used to explore too. I found every biome except for the mushroom biomes.
BlueTangs Rock3,same idk what it evenlook like
-AC-The Shadow,it's filled with dirt-with-mycelium(basically purple mushroom grass),and tons of mushrooms. It's Terrain is almost always an island,and are very rare. Though you can easily find them on the creative mode servers,since their minimap shows everything.
BlueTangs Rock3,Actually for me the maps are off they misplaced all the places and cords
-AC-The Shadow,i've noticed that,but they're not too far off for me.
BlueTangs Rock3,for me it's across the world
-AC-The Shadow,well then that's a glitch. Lol
BlueTangs Rock3, there is mushroom biomes? Where?any rumors
Raydermus,I heard they are in the 10,000s
-AC-The Shadow, I've been at the -10,000s but never seen them
no rumors,it's technically confirmed. Because they are in the creative mode servers,and every other biome there I've also seen in Survival Mode,so it's most likely there,even if I've never seen them in Survival.
BlueTangs Rock3,i haved covered over 200 Towns in 1 week amd in month's have beem traveling but have never seem them? I have in Minecraft but in poc? Maybe it hast to be a special climate between the 16 different types of biomes or... are at coordinates like -10000 -10000 or something... also we have Neather brick and rack amd ghast tear? Maybe portal?
How i see it
Raydermus, noob won't survive that long ;( Batuhan will kill me
Noob,what makes you say that
Raydermus, because Honorary hunts down retards
Konstantin,he should look in the mirror then
Konstantin, noob vs Batuhan
Noob, Wrong. More like Noob vs Noob
Konstantin,he should start by looking in the mirror
I use different tactics lol
Was apple farming and made a interesting discovery with Trees and Oakslappings. Been harvesting for a hour non stop and earned 12 apples
Raydermus,Nice I was caving in snow spawns and I made a interesting discovery now I can get infant diamonds
-AC-The Shadow,lol I can tell you about that 2 top secret
I do.
Tsar Alexander,?
How do you do that?
Minecraftocelot2,wow.... Just wow
I explore sometimes.ive never found mushroom,or mesa biomes.
As this post is now three years old now, I've learnt quite a bit about terrain since then, and I can say with 100% certainty that there are no Mushroom biomes, Mesa biomes, Mega Tiaga(Redwood forest) biomes, or actual Ocean biomes in Survival Multiplayer.
Most of these listed biomes are only on the Creative mode servers, and I don't think Mega Tiagas are even a thing in PoC.
The different map options that you see when you're making a Private map (with the exception of the five superflat world maps) are the only 20 biomes that generate in PoC Survival Multiplayer, as they're literally carbon copies of each individual biome template.