i was thinking instead of giving away daimond for random ppl why i dont see if ppl deserve them or if they need daimond badly !
so i made a YT channel just for fun and i put daimond somewhere and make a vid about it and post it .
anyway i put more then 30 block daily so hope u anjoy
my channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHIDrNXWxl8dEw9tL-ia9hA
make sure to follow me dude : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC44mG02F8juBjd5J17iYw2w
and this channel
and thank u .its just for fun xd none much
free daimonds!!
Thu, 2018-03-08 20:04
Zombie’s Killer
Posts: 402
Joined: 29.12.2017
That's sweet of you, to give out free diamonds.. I only have 4 blocks of diamonds XP. I tried finding the diamonds you hid but someone already got it.
I got them allll!!!!!!!
PAIN, sweet ;)
Reng the bell so u be the first again xd . ill post another later