I need a list of Blood Members, or if any former BC members are still on the forums/on the game please comment.
\-/ I also need a list of the ones that quit, if possible. Thanks.
I need a list of Blood Members, or if any former BC members are still on the forums/on the game please comment.
\-/ I also need a list of the ones that quit, if possible. Thanks.
I am a former Blood member.
BansheePlant, Even if you are, you are unreasonable.
KidIcarus, Unreasonable? What did I do?
BansheePlant, Think about it.
KidIcarus, Think about what!? And I have a feeling that you don't believe me when I say I'm a former Blood... Ask Raydermus. He even wanted me to come back to Blood.
BansheePlant, Bing, I know you were a former Blood Member.
Warhawk, Dante, Matt, Ami
I need them for questioning.
blod clane is ded. dargons killed them
Noob, dargon replaced blod clane
Interesting personality for a veteran
Ķøhàķů, AGAIN, what did I do!?
BansheePlant,Im talking about KidIcarus he seems to be interesting
Ķøhàķů, Oh ._.
Ķøhàķů, Rayder, send me a list of the Blood members please, even the ones who left. Part of the reasons is because of spies, the other part is because I need to find an old friend, etc.
KidIcarus, Kohaku is Phantom Assassin, not Raydermus. I have his profile if you need it.
BansheePlant,Why was that necessary... oh nvm..
I'm a former Blood Clan member
Most of ex bloods are now GHE. Which is a huge shame
I have no clan,it's better that way
BlueTangs Rock3, I actually had fun in Shadow Clan... Proof that not all clans are bold and competitive.
Ive never been blood and i was in GHE for like a day or 2 ._.