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Lemon Coke
Lemon Coke's picture

Hello! I felt like I should introduce myself given that I’ve made past posts, all about me looking for my old online friends.
I started playing PoC in mid 2018 - The worlds I started off in was Comfort City. I was there for a good couple of years and I was part of a fighters group back then. I don’t remember our exact name but all I remember is that all of our members had “Wolf” in their names. When Comfort City died, I migrated to Fun City as soon as I heard the news that everyone from CC moved over there. I didn’t speak much on there, I spent my time hidden inside a building friending people and speaking to them. I spent a few years on that place, before I migrated yet again to Renewable Chunks - Paradise City. I spent a good couple of months there before migrating to Parkridge High School, a private map. I don’t remember much about my days there but what I do remember on there is that I spent most of my days on top of the building talking to people. I’ve spoken to new and old friends of mine, I remember when the whole “Epcion” conflict became a thing, as well with the whole “Zachary” thing. I was there when SonCaleb became a common name you would frequently hear and whatnot. I was around since 2018. I am now 18 years old and frankly, all that I’ve witnessed as a child traumatized me LMAO but I am still on this game. I now spend my time on here looking for my friends, and seeing if I can get any information about them. I’ve been in and out of Discord servers with people who played on PoC but gave it up seeing how toxic it was. 
The names I had back in my Comfort City days were PurpleGirl, PG and PhantomCat.
My names in Fun City were PhantomCat or Cat for short. I had that name in Paradise City as well.
and in Parkridge, my names were PhantomCat, Coke-Kun, Coke and Lemon Coke as of now.
I am not as active on PoC as before but I do have Discord if anyone wishes to speak to me, my Discord is msmeow25. You can friend me on PoC as well, my current name on there is Lemon Coke. 
I am more than happy to answer any questions that you may have about me or about the cities that I was apart of! Or about anyone who was there. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Dacoolalex YT
Dacoolalex YT's picture


•Nok-POC•'s picture

Yo bro! I too started at around late 2018 - 2019. I haven't been much on private maps, only on survival multiplayer.

Death Coffin
Death Coffin's picture
