ッϟϟMØDŽϟϟ ϟĞHĚϟ ϟĶÎŁŁĚŘϟッ,wanna help :D
I could help but I have given up my fighting days now
Ender, awwww
Destroying Dragons very tempting indeed
Dragons are not cool imma kill tf outta them
are they already dead?
Gah this is tempting..
Ķøhàķů,u dont gotta join GHE or anything u could just be helping in that battle. But i do wish u would join GHE :)
ッϟϟMØDŽϟϟ ϟĞHĚϟ ϟĶÎŁŁĚŘϟッ,wanna help :D
I could help but I have given up my fighting days now
Ender, awwww
Destroying Dragons very tempting indeed
Dragons are not cool imma kill tf outta them
are they already dead?
Gah this is tempting..
Ķøhàķů,u dont gotta join GHE or anything u could just be helping in that battle. But i do wish u would join GHE :)