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V01d's picture

So, I know who the faker is. And that faker is most likely Pingu, I friended a person disguised as Carole. Then they soon said something like "Who's name to steal next". Then, the person changed into Rainbow Galaxy. And soon, Pingu. Carole posted pictures with Pingu, and they are friends so I am suggesting it's the real Pingu. Or Carole doesn't know it's a fake, but probably Pingu. After that, the person became Nubbins, after Pingu. If you would tap on Pingu's username before it became Nubbins, then tap on private chat. It would show Nubbins on the side. I have some proof but I don't know if I can add the screenshots, I have almost full storage. It might even be full, but. In conclusion, I think Pingu, Carole, Nubbins, and The Faker are the same people. 

If you're a big clan leader, like the leader of GHE. You need to see some of the photos, Nubbins / Carole / Pingu / The Faker. Are saying they are the leader of some of the big clans, like OFA. 
Edit: I remembered Pingu was faking as PoC Admin ( 2 ) also, so now this is even more serious. They acted like Carole was very famous and friended them too, since it said PoCAdmin2 was now online on her screen. You now probably think I'm just making stuff up, but it was that for a while, I just forgot. 

Pingu's picture

I will come up with an elaborate plan that your not expecting, then you will die to over thinking

Pingu's picture

Also, My username is usually xPingu, Pingu Pro, or something like that. Common usernames, easy to fake, not enough evidence.
As a matter of fact, I have a 100% real law guy investigator that is NOT me, cannot confirm.

Pingu's picture

I was told..
 "Since void is bringing up the faker, and making such accusations of said player being others, is it not suspicious that perhaps void is the faker? After all, he proposed the possibility of alternative accounts, while the question of "how" was not in place. It is likely that Void, may be on an alternative account, faking usernames. Now, I don't want to be the one blaming others of the faker's identity, since further evidence is needed to cover more. Now, we will talk about 'Nubbins'. This person is, well, an odd one. Since information available does not come from the player themselves, but others, it should be considered that Nubbins is someone different, possibly not real. We have seen statements from others, such as 'Commandr" suggesting BigCatClan is Nubbins. It has also been said that Nubbins is the faker. Assuming this is all true, BigCatClan is the faker, but sadly another witness comes and tears this apart. User Phoenix states that link, an old player, is the faker. This will mean that Link is Nubbins, being BigCatClan, which is literally not possible due to many obvious factors. One of these is the most obvious, time. User -LINK- (Confirmed as his most recent forums username) was around long ago, likely before BigCatClan was on this app.
Allow me to talk about 'Faker' and 'Nubbins' in two different 'sections'

Pingu's picture

I forgot to put end quotation mark, it bugs me.

V01d's picture

You were with Carole though, and and she posted about it. So I know it was her,

Pingu's picture

yeah, we were raiding base.
Maybe we raided the faker and he was faking Nubbins (Faking pro, I'll explain right now) and maybe faking member, not sure..
What I meant by faking a pro is that it's like.. What is it called? Oh, yeah. It's called a "Double-Edge Sharpness V Fire Aspect II Knockback II Looting III Unbreaking III Sword" You can fake pro and add an intimidation bonus.. The thing about intimidation is.. It's intimidation. I saw faker PvP at 200:200, me and piggy could have killed, if it wasn't for lag. We got good laugh when we saw people calling in some tce or whatnot, and some lizzz someone something was there chasing em, but he fought back. PvP ended. No death, no running. No one hit their shots and yeah. Who could he be faking? Kvng Aether yt (Some bad word man that clowns on ghe) One time this worked is when we were not tryna PvP because some ghe and like some tce were there, not sure what spawn. anyways, he got behind corner, left, and got the name "Kvng Aether yt" (Before clan update, now a clan can kinda identify things) and the tce went from "I wanna kick some children across this spawn" to shaking their heads up and down, not tryna signal pvp at all. 

V01d's picture

And the person there was Pingu Pro, soon changing user to Nubbins The Real MOP Leader or something, which is actually the fake MOP leader. 

Pingu's picture

Yeah I posted my name on forums via screenshot.

Pingu's picture

I was told this on faker
"Who is the faker?
Simply, the faker is not Link, since he would most likely be cursing at everyone, and most likely is still spending time in prison. Link is not the faker since he was playing long ago, we know his habits, etc. The few pieces of proof of the faker is link can be proven all as false, sorry Phoenix. "He knew so much!" We were told you were giving information and said faker agreed randomly. "It was his name!" Faker can fake names.
Speaking of faking names, user Pingu can fake names, according to posts by Phoenix (same one who thinks it's Link) and Rooyce. On Rooyce's post, you can see in the comments, Pingu vaguely confirms that he can fake names. Phoenix's post cannot confirm it is pingu faking, except for piggy being there. Actually, Phoenix's post kind of says it isn't pingu, since he can't see the fonts. Even with that information, Pingu being the impersonator is more likely than it being link, or BigCatClan, since Carole is not able to fake names.
Give me tnt is the person who added the thread, "BAN THIS IMPERSONATOR" , and he is known to have had many alternative accounts using different e-mails. It is not out of the question that give me tnt could be the faker on an alternative account, but it is. You see, he has screenshots of talking to faker(s)
people in question, and still under investigation are mainly: Void, Pingu, Nubbins, 'Red'."

Pingu's picture

I was told to have a little side note thingy 
 "It is not who is the faker, but how and what. There are many fakers, there are too much. Banning players for a joke or trick made possible by the game's system is not fair, but what we should be focusing on is how. For those who know, keep it to yourself. We don't need everyone to be a faker. Until a way to privately contact an admin for problems is made, we need to limit power. Giving everyone power just makes the average amount of power even higher. To prevent being faked, have fonts, or be creative. Have skins that must be earned, or are expensive.. A good example of this is Void, using no name and a skin which costs 200 coins. 

Pingu's picture


The Courier
The Courier's picture

Pingu, "and a skin which costs 200 coins"

how cute is that... this one makes everything else you said, just wrong. ;)

.-Saiku-.'s picture


الارا.'s picture

Mxshroom.., lmaoo

DefinitelyNotAmax's picture

Mxshroom..,LMFAO nice one

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Hi im new here

Pingu's picture

Let us show you around
there a big pro named Nubbins and he is pro pro

Pingu's picture

In your edit you mention me faking Admin? Only thing that happened with me and the name "POC Admin 2" is like some time before base raid, I saw someone on far coords named POC Admin2 and then like POC Admin7

Pingu's picture

I teleported to piggy, and I don't have "POCAdmin7" added, but I do have admin :)

Pingu's picture


V01d's picture

I friended a person called BigCatClan Carole, then turning into Rainbow Galaxy, then turning into PoCAdmin2, then it became you, and finally it became Nubbins. You were with Carole and she posted about it.  So I know you are the faker, you're the same person who was with her. 

V01d's picture

You left the server and changed your username to Nubbins, then you never returned as Pingu Pro. Your username was Nubbins when we all talked. 

Pingu's picture

Actually, you have the same problem as the link thingy..
Person could have been faking me, since we raided base. I left after I killed nub and got silk touch shovel+Silk touch book. You don't know if that was me, or anyone else that was being faked

V01d's picture

Red is my friend too, and has never changed his user on either accounts. It just stays the same and blank, like mine. It can't be him. I know it isn't me, I don't change my username. It takes too long to have no-username. 

Pingu's picture

there is actually no proof to verify that he doesn't have another acc and that he could be using to fake names.

V01d's picture

I have 3 accounts he has 2

Pingu's picture

There is no proof that can disprove or prove that you ONLY have 3 acc, and that concept man ONLY has 2

V01d's picture

They have not changed. 

V01d's picture

Plus, Carole was there with same chat color, same user, speaking the same way. So she was real, meaning she was just hanging out with a fake Pingu, or you. If it is you, that means your the faker. 

Pingu's picture

BigCat is not Nubbins, since they talk differently, BigCat died to Nubbins, etc. you say Nubbins killed Carole using alt, but killing your alternative account at the laggiest and most popular spawn is like entering the mansion with max items, and no armor

Phøenix's picture

People really don't listen to me lol

FORD's picture


POCAdmin2's picture

Please, be civil.

.-Saiku-.'s picture

POCAdmin2, so much drama

BroGamezT18's picture

Dude how hard is it to not cuss

FORD's picture

BroGamezT18, it's rly hard

Pingu's picture

thou shall there be yummy fish for me

.-Saiku-.'s picture

Pingu, and there shall be pingus yummy toes
