MrTricksterxd, Accept the fact you got exposed. That's a nice way of disguising the message "I'm 777, I'm a phile and harass women on a game with no friends and never spoken to any women personally because it clearly disgusts them when I speak because of my tonsil stones"
Zᴀᴄʜᴀʀʏ, And Zunfix, Mind is a Prison and Rayla, they're even trying to accuse me of being as disgusting as them, while trying to normalize their behavior on Parkridge
2nd SS
3rd SS
Zᴀᴄʜᴀʀʏ, thanks for the info
4th SS
Zᴀᴄʜᴀʀʏ, bro he was clearly trolling you
MrTricksterxd, Accept the fact you got exposed. That's a nice way of disguising the message "I'm 777, I'm a phile and harass women on a game with no friends and never spoken to any women personally because it clearly disgusts them when I speak because of my tonsil stones"
5th SS, Messages were sent by a friend, You can see how she misspelled "Aiden"
What are y'all doing? Still believing Ep is innocent?
Pingu, Epcion, Alister and 777 are EDPs
Zᴀᴄʜᴀʀʏ, Why does it look like I just said you're an EDP
Zᴀᴄʜᴀʀʏ, And Zunfix, Mind is a Prison and Rayla, they're even trying to accuse me of being as disgusting as them, while trying to normalize their behavior on Parkridge
These people are Gày
BroGamezT18, I told you about Epcion, This actually proves the whole Mei-Epcion-Zunfix thing
How Dare You Show My Stupidity! I Feel offended:[ But Thanks For Posting That- Alister Won't Give Up In Asking Me To Date Him-