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-LINK-'s picture

Here you go

-LINK-'s picture

Do u sea it

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

idk wtf that is XD

RedTangs Rock3
RedTangs Rock3's picture

Same that looks like a blob of purple

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

That looks like that thing's edited into there, and not something that you would find in the actual game... -_-

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Also you answer the caption above it saying "how many different moons are there?", There's about 8 moon phases that are in PoC and MineCraft.

Voltage's picture

BlueTangs Rock3 wrote:

Also you answer the caption above it saying "how many different moons are there?", There's about 8 moon phases that are in PoC and MineCraft.

Cool! I have never payed much attention to the moon really.

Voltage's picture

ϟ.ϟϟJøĥήVøltáĝȩ8Í9ϟϟ.ϟ ΩBǾĐΩ, I wonder if it has anything to do with when it rains . . . .

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

. . .

-LINK-'s picture

The moon effects plants

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

The moon phases effect slime spawns in MineCraft(spawn most likely in surface swamps on full moons, less likely on other moons, and don't spawn in surface swamps at all during new moons/completely dark moons), though I'm not sure if PoC Slime mechanics are as complex.