First thing you guys should do or shall I say they is ad emerald swords and ability to craft it and emeralds it will do one and a half more damage than a diamond sword and it will have the durability of a golden sword maybe a little less please add
-LINK-,no, compact emerald block bc emeralds are too easy to find in Multiplayer. Compact emerald block is 9 emerald blocks. Need to make an emerald tool and armor set, not just a sword. Then ppl will work their asses off for emeralds and the tools should have the durability of iron.
Θ๓ΞᏩᏜ, okay I'll go with you on that one but let's try to get this added to game makes the character more customizable cuz Shirley I'm aware all that green armor with my green sword cuz I'm Link and he's green go green boy
too op
They should still put it in game maybe only do a half a heart more damage than a diamond sword and half durability of a golden sword
And to make emerald sword you would need to emerald blocks
-LINK-,no, compact emerald block bc emeralds are too easy to find in Multiplayer. Compact emerald block is 9 emerald blocks. Need to make an emerald tool and armor set, not just a sword. Then ppl will work their asses off for emeralds and the tools should have the durability of iron.
Θ๓ΞᏩᏜ, okay I'll go with you on that one but let's try to get this added to game makes the character more customizable cuz Shirley I'm aware all that green armor with my green sword cuz I'm Link and he's green go green boy
-LINK-,yep with you on that, go man go!