Good news. I have recently found out Andy's base. Well known as "Leader Of Dragons". He was in his castle with a few NeoG workers and GHE Builders. He was just standing there as they built the castle.
If you want to go sit on Andy's throne all you have to do is message me. The price is 45 diamond blocks
Im comfortable because no dragon member is on the forums.
I was there w wavy. Who were you?
Konstantin, the german guy who killed andy
Crazy is a Dragon member but I will buy the cords
-EN-TROLLJK, he left dragons
Konstantin,aww I was gonna help him take over dragons
Spy. It's impossible for you just "walked by" and "accidentally" found his base. Is that the one within 200 east and south?
I could tell you where it is
CrazyEnderman16, that was stoopid. :/
Scarlet, idc lol
So bad Andy does not use forum and he doesn't know Lemon.