Hey do you guys still work on planet craft if so could you fix these few bugs in that game.
Theirs a random chance that an item you select may randomly dissapear its about a somonewhat rare chance but it happneed to me 5 times yesterday usually when im fighting enimes and select a fresh new sword but then it disspears and moves some other item from my inventory to its spot. I look in my inventory and couldn't find my sword.
Another one involves mobs sometimes when you kill an animal it's dead body just stays their usually when that happens it stays that way untill I close and reopen my game.
Their is also a glitch that always get's me lost by making my path of torches dissapear. I can tell they disspeard because the blocks i also placed to indicate where i was going stayed but the torches around them were gone. EDIT: I just figured out that this bug isn't actually just deleting my torches but it actually reste's the area I am adventuring in. I found this out by going back to where i was mining and figuring out all the ores were back in their exact same spot's I also found the same 2 horses in the exact same place they were before i left my game and came back. It must be some kind of generation glitch because the area where my house and base and other mining areas don't reset but it seems whenever i go far away to mine or to adventure it always reset's those areas when I leave and reload the game.
I guess some of these should be expected since their are several versions of these games including planet of cubes planet craft survival craft world of cubes worldcraft and the new version I forgot the name of buy had the blue background and color sceme. Out of all of those I think worldcraft probably was the least worked on version of the pack and may have been just a teast of these other ones like planet of cubes that seem to be much more active.
If you guys no longer work on that game though its okay I didn't really expect the older versions to get any renovating after 2 years of inactivity.
Thank you for reading this good game too!
Yeah, once you get around 400-500 or so coordinates away from 0:0 (and this location spans all the way to the world border at 1,000 coordinates out) in WoC you find the "Broken Lands", where blocks you place disappear, and natural blocks you mined re-appear, however your inventory and mob postitions remain the same.
The Broken Lands take effect when you re-load the game and work as a duplication glitch.
This is currently the only renewable source of most plant-like resources such as trees/wood, tall grass, grass blocks, flowers, cacti, etc, but any block that naturally generates out there can be renewable/duplicated as well such as soils, stones, ores, etc.
This glitch is currently useful as currently the only renewable blocks in WoC are Wool, Snow, Pumpkins, and Haybales, not even wood is renewable legitimately as of yet.
Counting the Broken Lands as part of the world, a WoC world is 2,000×2,000 coordinates/32,000×32,000 blocks (1,000 coordinates/16,000 blocks from 0:0 to World Border), but it you don't consider the Broken Lands as part of your world (as you can't make buildings, or make any long-term/permanent changes to the land in there making it a more-or-less unplayable area), then you're left with 400 coordinates or less from 0:0 (a 800×800 coordinates/12800×12800 block or less space)to properly do intended game features in, so I recommend sticking around 0:0 as much often as possible unless you're running low on unnecessarily non-renewable resources such as trees or tall grass and they're all depleted from your playable area, or if you want to duplicate ores, I don't recommend trying to build permanent structures in the Broken Lands though.
Well WoC is dead and i hate this i just download it 1 year ago because new family skins testing! They not even have new beautiful menu or brewing! Well sometimes i hate the developers choice with updates too in PoC but better as this WoC developers let their complete game down and let it unbalanced!