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The Courier
The Courier's picture

Dear Admins!
I noticed something odd: the daily bonus coins amounts were changed to 5 coins at day 5, and to 10 coins at day 10, while these values were set to 70 and 300 before, respectively.
Is this a bug/error, or was this change made on purpose?
If it was on purpose, hereby I kindly ask for a clear explanation.
Thank you!

POCAdmin2's picture

It's a bug. There should be 5 and 10 gems respectively. We will fix it soon.

The Courier
The Courier's picture

Thank you for the quick answer!
If I get you correctly, that means after day 10, I won't get coins at all, only gems?
Well, I spend coins mostly on upgrading armors and buying enchanted apples / golden apples, so it would be so much more appreciated if the gems were an additional bonus to the usual coins that were given at those two days before. That is, day 10 bonus would be: 10 gems + 300 coins. OR: there could be a way to convert gems to coins.