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ALITTARY's picture

on the wonderful things you can do with couldrens they can do more than just tip your arrows and paint your clothes they can be used as an art in which looks as good water in planet craft can get. I put together a room and 64 couldrens to get these wonderful designs and pictures. shortly after I finished this project I took down everything went to main spawn and showed many players the arts of dye by spreading these couldrens throughout the outskirts of spawn attracting many onlookers to change the water color and or take the couldrens. At the end of the thing I realized 1 very important thing. 

Their is more to an item than one may think.

Andre-YT's picture


ALITTARY's picture

Andre-YT,thank you!

Andre-YT's picture

ALITTARYBUILDERALAN, accept my Friendship request pls i want to talk with you about the Game if u want!

ALITTARY's picture



Hi guy
Hi guy's picture

Finally an AU player on the forms

Colatrix's picture

That is a lot of dye 

Gabriel N
Gabriel N's picture

that's a cool idea!