Hello everyone!
Does your clan have a cool base or you have a nicely built personal base, and you'd like to share it with the community? Or maybe you've built cool private map and want others to see it? Here is the great opportunity for it!
We want to make a series of videos about cool or unusual clan bases and personal bases on our youtube channel. Fill the form below if you are interested.
Please be advised:
1) We won't reveal the coordinates of your base.
2) Currently we plan to release one video about one base per week. Thus, some participants will have to wait their turn a little bit (if there will be a big number of participants).
3) Make sure to leave the correct contact info so we could arrange the in-game meeting with you to record a video.
still suffering of this problem in single player is always sad me and lettingme shut down my computer because whenever i just open my world this happen then i always sad and had to turn off my computer
when is it fixing,or it is fixed so when the update coming
Finally doing this again huh?
the era of construction is coming
Admin once i make a new base,if i do,ill let admins in
Archangel Gabriel, cool! I will be waiting :)
POCAdmin2, the link doesn't work for my device
yukicho, what exactly happens when you click the link?
I also want to make a base or house and have some adventure like you guys but..... Single player is so full of gltich and lagging and deletes chunks so I cannot play... WHEN IS UPDATE COMING !!!!!!:(
yes me too i really want the update come soon
I sent in a form but last night my base was raided and destroyed so please don't use the form I sent in I no longer have a base my in game username is phøenix
Phøenix, noted.
POCAdmin2, when is update cominggggg!!!! You said soon 2 week ago when it is coming alredy end of March whennnnnn !!!!
Beasty,again i must say.....patience
i will wait for 5 more days
chill and be calm it will come, but its just a matter of time
What alredy 3 months
I am in the process of designing a base in a style nobody has seen before...circuit style.
Forget my last comment I'm making a new base and hopefully it won't get raided too
its looking pog now...
My clan (W.C.C.S.) is letting us make separate bases, once mine is done, can you show off mine? In game name is XTaleChara-W.C.C.S. Co-Leader.
Woop, just read the instructions, filled out form.
is it possible that a map can be recorded for a 2nd time if it has gotten so many changes that it's worthy to show off the un-recorded parts?
RainbowGalaxy POC, sure.
POCAdmin2, i have a suggestion but whenever I post or comment it says an afmin has to approve. And it never gets approved
Mxshroom.., its the same as when I post, so i can't post my entry to the Christmas competition because the link won't work
Mxshroom.., currently the application form is inactive, because the contest is over.
POCAdmin2, oh ok, also my old forum account yukicho got hacked by zunfix. Just to let you know
I finally submitted my map
Look at this its called encore lands