-EN-The Shadow, I had to dig up my entire base 3 times then I just gave up and crafted some ladders... never gonna see any of my hard work from the outside ever again
Hyeenadon,I never have this problem. Simpley make a water lift. Dig straight down then fool the system and add layers of dirt in netweem the water lift tunnel. You will find that the upper part of the tunnel resets not the entire tunnel and not the water. To be safe the longer the lift the more water points need to be added. Also make sure you are 20 to 28 blocks from any town. And don't hit bedrock until 20 blocks down. Block not coordinates. Every 15 blocks is 1 unit on coordinates
How deep was it or how far from town? I use the reset to hide my bases. I know how to use it
Raydermus,it was in between 2 biomes
-EN-The Shadow, It is a good thing your mineshaft reset because the ores come back
-EN-The Shadow, This happened to me too
It happened to me first (buried alive)
Hyeenadon,I was trapped in a revine with no way out
-EN-The Shadow, I had to dig up my entire base 3 times then I just gave up and crafted some ladders... never gonna see any of my hard work from the outside ever again
Hyeenadon,I never have this problem. Simpley make a water lift. Dig straight down then fool the system and add layers of dirt in netweem the water lift tunnel. You will find that the upper part of the tunnel resets not the entire tunnel and not the water. To be safe the longer the lift the more water points need to be added. Also make sure you are 20 to 28 blocks from any town. And don't hit bedrock until 20 blocks down. Block not coordinates. Every 15 blocks is 1 unit on coordinates
Raydermus, I like resets :D
Raydermus,thanks for the tip,but actually every 16×16 block space is a coordinate. :)
What is the problem?
TROLLJK, Resets effects mineshafts ._.
Yeah the glitch is fine because all the ores are respawning everywhere but..the glitch with resetting dirt and gravel..is not fine
TROLLJK, i still don't know you lol