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White Flower leader
White Flower leader's picture

POC Admin you shall put large event this weak but no PvP PLZ EVERY CHEST A LOT OF DB PLZ I M IN NEED OF DBZ 

Dmuz's picture

I got one question for u WHY U ALWAYS YELLING? :0

White Flower leader
White Flower leader's picture

destiny,i not yelling

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

But not only dmbs,cause some people r very good at the game,and can take all of thrm.its best to put more than just that aswell

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Yes dmb blocks! Im gonna need another private chest or two

Judy's picture

Diamonds aren't even that hard to get.

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin's picture

Judy, lol yea. I can get about 20dmb in 10mins mining.

Colatrix's picture

BigCatClanCaroleBaskin, at 425:425 loot mine i can get 27 diamond ore veins (around 40 diamonds with fortune III) in about 2 minutes 

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

I get 8 dmbs once a day xd

Coffeecat14's picture


Dmuz's picture

I just got a chest with random things ;Þ

ALITTARY's picture

destiny, Most likely any chest leftover with loot if from when people went around looking through every chest and taking all the good stuff. They no longer spawn anymore but already opened ones still exist.

Rooyce's picture


POCAdmin2's picture

You can participate in our creative contest (there is only one day left, so hurry up) to win some coins, which you can use to buy some diamonds.

Judy's picture

POCAdmin2, Even if you win first place, you will only be able to afford a single diamond block with the coins you receive.

Rooyce's picture


Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

You can use your coins to enchant to find fortune for more diamonds too