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Phøenix's picture

I need hay bales for a animal stable I'm making I'll pay 15 diamond blocks a stack

Give me tnt
Give me tnt's picture

I will have stacks upon stacks of hay bales soon, but I don't have any rn because I had to move out of my base so it will take as least a week to get them. Also do you offer other things besides db I have a lot of them.

Phøenix's picture

I can try I don't have very many good things I guess I could offer a stack of harm 2 arrows

ƈɨռɖɛʀ٠४٠ꃔᏔᴀʀʀɪѻʀꃔ٠ːꪎЖⱲꪟϾϾֆЖ ː۰'s picture

i will work to get you some hay bales, and I will take you up on that harm deal