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justapurpledye's picture

smile zunfix laugh (my job is to look for people like those) i had to hide some words-  btw he is also the leader of the great clan "MEME"

POCAdmin2's picture

Thanks for the report. We'll investigate this situation.

ʟσηє.'s picture

POCAdmin2, Alright seriously? You guys have done like almost nothing while these perverts take over this map. I personally hang out there, and I could definitely name QUITE a few people that need to be banned... Like Zunfix, Yungeen Ace, Epcion, ect

.Krya-No_mercy's picture

POCAdmin2,can u be serious and ban people like this "well investigate the situation" HOW

Zᴀᴄʜᴀʀʏ's picture

.Krya-No_mercy, He banned Zunfix one time. Use your brain, Shut up, Realize people can create new accounts, And go cry about being late.

Ares Labyrinth
Ares Labyrinth's picture

ParkRidge is a complete and utter cesspool. You NEED to delete it. I know amazing maps that are completely overshadowed by this abomination. This is a hangout for pedóphiles, child predators, and hate mongering creeps. The people who made ParkRidge all quit. Just delete it. You'd be doing us all a favor.

ʟσηє.'s picture

Ares Labyrinth, Bruh delete it and they'll go somewhere else what about that do u not understand

william20wrt's picture

Ares Labyrinth, yes i agree

Pingu's picture

Imagine 2 pedophiles meet each other, both pretending to be kids~ XD

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ's picture

Zach are you able to log into poc?