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Phøenix's picture

As bookshelves are used for many things such as enchanting and decorating I think it would be fun if players could write books to read so bookshelves actually have a use we could write potion recipes or cords to mines and bases then not only would bookshelves be more interesting they will be more fun. I also think it would be fun if we could get fish from other places then only zombies then we could make fish tanks in our bases for decoration. And for animals I love decorating hallways in my bases with small rooms with animals adds more decoration and it's cool so I just think it would be cool if we added some more animals like tigers, lions, etc just a idea

POCAdmin2's picture

Thanks for the suggestions! All of them are interesting and we definitely will consider them.

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture

i wish pocadmin 2 really considers them cuz last time pocadmin 1 said that they are testing command blocks and maybe the next update will be them, but it didnt happen even after 2 updates.

☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞
☞☂︎ røõÿçęfō⍰úñd ☂︎☞'s picture

i mean really i am still expecting command blocks