Bad aim yes 100%
A position user 100%
Bad at PvP 1000000% percent
Thorns 100%
BigCat nub unknown
But ok stats congrats on 100k diamonds mined?
bigCats Skills
Fri, 2022-02-25 04:06
New Guy
Posts: 15
Joined: 17.01.2022
Someone seems upset. Rip piggy base.
Good luck on recovering 2 red terracotta from mine

If anyone is a nub it's you piggy.
Look piggy I've tolerated you and pengy for a long time I've dealt with you trapping me in holes and in some cases trying to kill me ever since day 1 in P.O.T but now I just don't think I can take it anymore after what you did to carol and you lied to me twice I just well I'm sorry to say but it's almost like I don't even know you anymore you've changed just like other people I've known I'm sorry to say but this is goodbye piggy I can no longer be friends with someone who lies to me or is mean to my friends see you around and hopefully it doesn't end with me and you swords clashing. But if it does goodluck and goodbye my friend.
Phøenix, I don't care and you will be visiting me keep guard >=] nub you always run phoenix so lol real nub you
Hello its piggy, yea and you call help to a mountain battle lol too bad lord pain had to leave so soon I would have really liked to get to know him ;) besides who died in that battle it wasn't me it was you
Phøenix, But who died in apsl vs tll war? Not me..
Pingu, I know I died but that's only cause you trapped me in lava and killed me with harm so technically it was the harm that killed me not you cause harm is way too powerful
Phøenix, Yeah and if I killed you with a sword it was the sword that killed you, not me
Pingu, swords are swords at least the person has a fighting chance with a sword instead of 3 harm and your dead
Phøenix, ~11
Phøenix, doesn't have to be swords
Pingu, you had harm I was stuck in lava with no ench or gaps of course I'm gonna die. Anyone would
Phøenix,Lol and you say good bye freind? Hahaha thanks to patriot u will need do everything as fast as you can now u have another friend that's gonna tell me things you will never know Even notorious bet bigcat scared kill notorious leader Phoenix won't even get near him xD
Hello its piggy, I won't get near him will I then hmmm what's this
Phøenix, Notorious leader uses thorns and Patriot sometimes uses thorns, but not really. Patriot called his leader to help him from me Lol
Pingu, yea and so what I use thorns
Phøenix, You only do damage by your thorns..
Let me *try to* put this into an analogy, whatever it is..
Thorns in PoC (actually, maybe even Minecraft) is like auto aim/aim assist (Like if the game added it, not actual hacks) in a multiplayer shooter game like PUBG or Fortnite, kinda unfair with slight balances, but basically helps you get these sort of cheap shots, hits you wouldn't have gotten if you didn't have it. ("It" refers to thorns and auto aim)
Pingu, you made that way more complicated then it really is I know what thorns do to you but that happens to be my only set of armor and I don't have the time to spend thousands of coins to make another so that's why I use them.
Phøenix, Made this in a few days.. Work smarter, not harder (idk what the "harder" would mean in this case though, but you get the point)
Pingu, 2
Pingu, 3
4 (final)
Also I have multiple sets (and so do many other players)
Phøenix, Also killing some players would help. I got some armor pieces from killing some nubs (i got some gaps too)
What's wrong with thorns? It's balanced, guys. Originally thorns was so OP, that it had to be nerfed down to its current state.
- armour wears out faster, disadvantage in hole combat
- slightly higher cost to create and repair
- losers complain a lot (they call you nub, is annoying)
- does tons of damage, optimized for land
- higher price to sell
- losers complain a lot (enjoy to hear them crying)
The Courier, Regeneration potion probably solves thorns
The one below is a noob. :D
Pingu,Nice, gonna try it, thx.
^Pretty.much. lol funny.
I got more respect for Cat then Piggy ngl
FORD, I thought you went bye bye
Pingu, I am
then why u still here
Rich people
Don't yall ever shut up? I mean it gets annoying everyone trying to 1 up the next. Just play the stupid game.