Umm hi so I am coming after a long time, trying out poc, i saw the new updates, i Went to park ridge high school and got some guys and girls with improper behaviour, or wrong fonted names, bad them ikr?
A big snag
Wed, 2024-08-21 01:18
Posts: 179
Joined: 04.08.2022
look at vllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllz
I think thats enough for today but admins, pls ban them, I also saw two new players saying in chat that they are new in the game, they donno the toxicity in za game
Thanks for the report!
POCAdmin2, Some usernames of people are like this curse words so should if i Hide it with other color brush? it would you be able to ban them? Cause I dont wanna share the toxicity in the forums about the pics of the game (people's username Eg: Kitty **** off master)
✘☆☆ Legendary Super Kings☆☆✘, I won't be able to ban them without knowing their nickname.