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FORD's picture

You guys need make mobiles do 360° spins like pcs do no fair for mobiles, specifically in PvP it's horrible when I PvP I barely hit pc player I mean try add joystick or smt Pls make ez to pvp

Leaderruca's picture

Even if they put screen rotation or sensitivity faster I'm sure it will be the same thing maybe it will change a little, but if you test this in minecraft you will see that the pc player will continue to have more chances

enderman.'s picture

you forget that cellphones have a slightly bigger advantage than PC but PCs are easier in pvp parkour and screen on cellphones there is a way everyone knows

Pingu's picture

Pingu approved - Please add a sensitivity option for mobile, thanks
Also does the hide and seek mode have lower sensitivity?? 

POCAdmin2's picture

We have in plans to add sensetivity option for mobile users.

Pingu wrote:
Also does the hide and seek mode have lower sensitivity?? 


Calub.'s picture

we need for pc Aswell because it's to sensitive