Hi peeps! New Suggestion! In de nex updart thei shood ad Gian unicornz to EoC, theywoulddrop three diamond cubies when breed and drop nothing when you kill them because if you keil them u monster!!!!! >:O can't believe u want me unicornz to deeeeeeeiiiiiii!!!!! <3 they wood have 15,000 health so these meanies won't hurt me unicornz todai! Plzlovemesuggestionsguiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyssssss!!!!!!!!!!
Randum stuopiod Edeitz:
Me forgoot to meintein: Lol. xD Lol. xD Lol. xD Lol. xD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
hahahaha rip
somethin' for the April Fool's occasion, xD
Unicorns Unicorns Unicorns I love dem
Lol, xD
Look at the eyes if that poor unicorn. :(
lOL. ._.