Well I'm playing now on my phone and it uses up a lot of battery fast and it's not the phone's problem there's no way to add a battery saver button?
Well I'm playing now on my phone and it uses up a lot of battery fast and it's not the phone's problem there's no way to add a battery saver button?
Better to play in pc cause pc is good for pvp and does not get heated up easily cause it has cpu fan + higher RAM
Increasing RAM will decrease the heating up of your pc
Legendary Super Kings, I know I used to play one until it got pretty inactive now it's slow
Hmm then best way I would recommends is update your pc and also make sure the version of poc is 5.5
cause admins said in version 5.5, even slow fps can have high clarity
Legendary Super Kings, I've already seen that I've lost a lot of things but maybe I'll come back but the cell phone gives me a small advantage which is saving time
In now version 5.5, it came "3D FPS rendering for all devices/platforms". What does it mean??
Legendary Super Kings, I don't know much about it but I think it's image enhancement