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Hikikomori's picture

Hey guys a lot of fighting roleplayers are actually REALLY good describing detail and stuff and I wanna know if any have any tips for describing action scenes and fight scenes because I think I wanna try writing some for a short story 

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ's picture

Here's a list of players I met who love roleplay fighting and still play the game

1. Zunfix (is ranked the highest in terms of strength and combat experience)
2. Crazo (has great knowledge about martial arts)
3. Lysander/Berlin (keeps changing his inGame username but overall a very fun guy to spar with)
4. Craze (pretty skilled fighter who trained under Crazo and Zunfix)
5. Constellar/Light (hobby fighter, is acquaintances with Crazo, Zunfix and Lysander)
6. Sevenfold (used to play this game, currently inactive)
7. Hex/Sixfold (trained under Sevenfolds influence)
8. Rudh (she's pretty new to roleplaying but does fight as well)
9. Nova/Czarina (experienced fighter, she still learns under crazo's wing)
10. Amara (Czarinas friend and also a roleplayer)

.-Saiku-.'s picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, dont forget me. I can try and help.
I don't recommend Amara, she's addicted to drama and always starts it

.-Saiku-.'s picture

Mxshroom..,and sevenfold quit, but I fight similarly to him so I can help

ɬɧąɬ ơŋɛ ąrąც ɠųყ
ɬɧąɬ ơŋɛ ąrąც ɠųყ's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ wrote: Here's a list of players I met who love roleplay fighting and still play the game
1. Zunfix (is ranked the highest in terms of strength and combat experience)
2. Crazo (has great knowledge about martial arts)
3. Lysander/Berlin (keeps changing his inGame username but overall a very fun guy to spar with)
4. Craze (pretty skilled fighter who trained under Crazo and Zunfix)
5. Constellar/Light (hobby fighter, is acquaintances with Crazo, Zunfix and Lysander)
6. Sevenfold (used to play this game, currently inactive)
7. Hex/Sixfold (trained under Sevenfolds influence)
8. Rudh (she's pretty new to roleplaying but does fight as well)
9. Nova/Czarina (experienced fighter, she still learns under crazo's wing)
10. Amara (Czarinas friend and also a roleplayer)

Where am I

.-Saiku-.'s picture

ɬɧąɬ ơŋɛ ąrąც ɠųყ, I don't think you're exactly what giks looking for.. not in a rude way

Zᴀᴄʜᴀʀʏ's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, Still better than Lysander

C.artoon N.etwork
C.artoon N.etwork's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, had no idea I'd be mentioned, have we fought before? (9)

BroGamezI13's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, alright, 
1. Zunfix: he should focus on leaving minors alone
2. Crazo: Doesn't he have a job now?
4. Craze: Bro, you're my age, time to grow up buddy.
I don't have to address the others, also, SonCaleb is the highest rated, he created this fighting thing on POC ages ago, Zunfix just regards himself as the best because of the falling out he had with Caleb, following Zunfix's controversy. Me? I find rp fighting cringe

BroGamezT18's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, People still waste their time saying meaningless words that can be easily nullified by, "beats you" or "is stronger than you" and don't tell me "oh that's fake fighting", the fact is that RP fighting is just a bunch of useless babble in an attempt to play pretend. It also doesn't help that Zunfix is a disgusting person overall.

Hikikomori's picture

Thank you both this is very helpful and I appreciate it sm 

Pingu's picture

You guys killed forums :(

.-Saiku-.'s picture

Pingu,noot noot

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ's picture

Pingu, we had to kill it so the forums wouldnt collapse under your moms weight :( Hop off this knock off and go play real minecraft or can you not afford it? Lmao

Pingu's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, Your turn now lil bro. or do they not have enough roleplay servers in mc for you?

I actually got mc you stupid ni
ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ's picture

Pingu, nah, i said hop off this knock off and play real minecraft. You can't even afford the game so you show me a googled image of minecraft LOL. Get cooked you incoherent premature illiterate.

Pingu's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, As I said, your turn lil bro. Or are you the one that can't afford it?:(

I actually got mc you stupid ni
Pingu's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ wrote:
Pingu, nah, i said hop off this knock off and play real minecraft. You can't even afford the game so you show me a googled image of minecraft LOL. Get cooked you incoherent premature illiterate.

waiting for u. or do I gotta hunt u down in parkridge?

william20wrt's picture

Pingu, ngl your being kinda a GOAT right now lolollo;

.-Saiku-.'s picture

Pingu, apparently he quit

BroGamezI13's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, Seriously? This just screams jealousy. Imagine being this sad

BroGamezI13's picture

ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀ, Imagine taking jabs at people's parents. So childish

BroGamezI13's picture

RP fighting is cringe, find something better to do with your life than deciding who typed a better sequence of words surrounded by asteriks

ShotGun's picture

Why do people role play your just pretending to eat or pretending to sleep
Just play private maps or survival multiplayer

Lemon Coke
Lemon Coke's picture

Oh god, I remember when I was into PvP role-play :’) I’ve met all those people above, except for Amara, when they first started out! Fun times!