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LegendWolf170903.'s picture

Hi, it’s Legend Wolf. Sorry I haven’t been online of days, since I went to Bark Lake- no wifi access! Anyway, today I wanted to ask everyone, especially players with knowledge, to prove that Poc isn’t a fake version of MineCraft, since my friends always tell me to cancel this game and play MineCraft instead. Honestly, I find MineCraft old fashioned... there haven’t been much improvement there and it’s boring to play

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Sorry, but other than the very few PoC exclusive features, there is quite a bit of evidence that proves that PoC actually is taking aspects from MineCraft.


Sure the obvious evidence is the features that exist in both MineCraft and PoC that aren't features from the real world or something representing it(meaning things in MineCraft that aren't necissary to add, for example Creepers, and Elytras, though redstone mechanics are essential enough that they could be considered somewhat necessary), but a more suddle peice of evidence is that it is quite possible that Solverlabs could've actually made a map in MineCraft 1.7 with World/MCEdit(or tooken a non-copyright/free template of a Minecraft map with a series of similar custom terrain).


You can tell that it had to be in MineCraft 1.7 if it originally was a custom MineCraft terrain map, is because of the fact that in the natural state of the terrain (without player alteration), there's the new (in MineCraft terms) flowers; the poppy, daisy, azure bluet, orchid, tulips, and alluim, as well as some of the "new" biomes that were added in 1.7; the tundra, birch exclusive forest, savanna, and roofed forest (the savanna and roofed forest biome was released before 1.8's acacia and dark oak wood and leaf related blocks, just before 1.8 the trees used other tree type's blocks, very similar to the acacia and dark oak trees found in PoC) to name the "new" biomes that you could also find in PoC, also it can explain why the underground part of the terrain doesn't include granite, diorite, and andesite, and the fact that there is a few terrian edit errors in the usual dark forests(the type of Forest 0:0 has) that exposes an original ocean that used to be there but is burried from the surface, that has a completely gravel bottom, just like oceans since 1.7(when MineCraft added the Deep Ocean biome to MineCraft).


Also you can easily tell that whoever originally made the terrain had some form of editor, as you can find random patches of burried grass(as well as tall grass, ferns, and mushrooms in very small spaces underground/no natural cave)and sand, as well as occasional burried, drained out rivers, and as mentioned earlier, parts of an ocean, and even just barely a small part of a beach burried underground in the normal dark forest.

There's also instances of parts of trees floating, and speaking of trees, you'll also noticed that there's a multiple types of custom tree shapes, but multiple trees in the biome also share the same shape, meaning they probably used a terrain editor to copy/paste tree shapes to other locations in the biome, this can also be said for the custom structures that appear in multiple locations in some types of biomes(though most types of custom structures in PoC only generate once in a biome).

This suggests that in the biomes in PoC that have custom, non Minecraft-like surface terrian (though some of PoC's 20 biomes doesn't even edit the surface terrian with the exception of the Spawnzones, the tree shapes in some spots of the biome, and a custom structure or two, but other than that, the biome's terrian is just like a MineCraft one, but only a few of PoC's biomes that don't change the ground's terrain), starts out as a usual MineCraft world, but then the surface is burried by a flatend out layer of grass, sand, stone, or snow(depending on the biome they're making), removing any unwanted thing(like a tree, hill, or mountain) that still remains above that that terrian line, they shape the ground, then they build the original version of a natural structure or tree shape, and they copy/paste it in multiple spots(of course with other structures and tree types to make it seem more natural and varied),they'll decorate some of the areas with grass/ferns, flowers, mushrooms, ponds, pumpkin/melon patches, etc., and they'll also make the center point of the area they're working with a Spawnzone town.

Also the custom terrain in PoC in almost every location only effects above ground, the surface layer, and near the surface layer, meaning almost all things underground are unchanged, and exactly like MineCraft, with the exception of emeralds being able to generate in most biomes, and various things being missing from Abandoned Mineshafts, Dungeons and Strongholds, such as missing chests, planks, rails, almost all of the blocks in most of the Stronghold Library rooms (except for the stone brick wall and the cobwebs), in most of the Strongholds, and End Portal Frames missing from the Stronghold End Portal rooms, but other than that, the caves, most ore placements, raveins, and pretty much everything else underground is unaltered from it's original MineCraft state.

Dante Verry Che...
Dante Verry Cherry Spartacus's picture

BlueTangs Rock3, my dude . -.  For me dude get off that computer and do sum else XD u know to much

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Verry Cherry YT wrote:

BlueTangs Rock3, my dude . -.  For me dude get off that computer and do sum else XD u know to much

I play PoC via phone tho', xD

Scarlet's picture

Hahahahaha I was gonna say that’s a question for Blue!

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

Scarlet wrote:

Hahahahaha I was gonna say that’s a question for Blue!

Aye! xD yes

Elektrika's picture

Graphics are different and better, game is harder, it is hard to get these types of modes in Minecraft 

SSSandyyy's picture


LegendWolf170903.'s picture

Who knows. The best thing that it is free.

LegendWolf170903.'s picture

Yet you can still use torrent or copyright supporter apps to download MineCraft for free, but it is ILLEGAL to do so

LegendWolf170903.'s picture

What I like most is the relaxing forum

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture

LegendWolf170903. wrote:

What I like most is the relaxing forum

If you call clan drama that's made up almost all of the two years that the Main Google Play Survival Server's been around, relaxing.

Elektrika's picture

I like the global multiplayer most

Elektrika's picture

Btw the Minecraft creepers were formed on accident they were a coding bug

BlueTangs Rock3
BlueTangs Rock3's picture


Btw the Minecraft creepers were formed on accident they were a coding bug

nah, it was Notch making a Pig, but the body section of the pig's 3D model accidentally went vertical instead of horizontal (what it supposed to be), and then Notch decided to add the creeper shortly after fixing the pig 3D model. So despite the creeper's 3D model being created on accident, every other aspect(like the creeper's own texture, their AI, their health/drop loot-tables, etc.) of them is completely intentional, and became just as iconic as the MineCraft name.

HAKUIN's picture

One thing that planet of Cubes has that is much better than Minecraft is one giant MMO survival world!