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Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

America has a holiday thats today known as... Indepencence Day. So mainly for American players,i have built a small building with 2 chests in it with all the stuff in my inventory. The coordinates,is a history test tho. 
First Coordinates: _ _ _ 0 -meaning the first 3 numbers is the age of America since its had its independencd from england
Example: America is 627 years old- then it would be 6270 for the first coordinate
Second Coordinate: - _ _ _ _-meaning the 4 numbers is the year that America gained independence. 
Example: America was independent in 1972-then the second coordinate would be -1972 (the second coordinate is negitive)
Coordinates: _ _ _ 0 : -_ _ _ _          Good luck googling then finding :) comment if you got everything

OfficialTHW's picture

I completely forgot it was independence day tbh

Pingu's picture

Thought it was on the American Revolution, but Google helpedyes

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Pingu,Did you get everything?

Pingu's picture

I don't know I got that stuff in the picture if it's all

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Yeah. Everything in the picture is what was there

Pingu's picture


Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Actually,the repeaters,quartz,and apples are from the mansion

Pingu's picture

I want to say thank you for letting me make dispenser that shoots by itself, :)

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel's picture

Yw i guess. All from the laggy mansion as like the other post

Pingu's picture